Quality Policy

Our Vision, Mission & Values

Human Resourcing Australia’s Vision

To design, develop, implement and evaluate organisational and people management processes, procedures and performance systems that create sustainable solutions internally and externally.

Human Resourcing Australia’s Mission

To innovate, pivot and become increasingly agile in the development and delivery of human resource management and work health safety consulting solutions.

Human Resourcing Australia employees work with the following values and behaviours in mind:


  • Transparency and honesty that build authentic relationships
  • Trust in forging and achieving progressive outcomes
  • Emotional intelligence to build leadership capability
  • Empathic in how we approach and communicate
  • Reliability is demonstrated consistently
  • Integrity in everything we say and do

Our innovative products and services ensure we maintain a consistently strong position in the market. Human Resourcing Australia intends to continue leading the industry by delivering a steady and successful service pipeline that enables our internal and external customer base to grow, prosper and thrive.

We strive to increase efficiency and drive continuous improvements. We run efficient operations and hire passionate people and deliver strong profit and cash flow.

Quality Policy

Part A: Preliminary

  1. Purpose of policy

The following policy is intended to enunciate the principles, core features and requirements for quality assurance and improvement at the HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA

  1. Application of policy

This policy applies to all employees and contractors of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA

Part B: Policy

  1. Accountabilities and responsibilities

3.1 All HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA staff and stakeholders are accountable under the conditions and standards for HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA quality assurance and improvement.

3.2 The CEO will be ultimately accountable to HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA for quality assurance and improvement across the whole organisation.

3.3 Each employee of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA through any supervisor, will be responsible, and accountable for implementing the quality system as it pertains to the employee’s work and organisational area of operation.

3.4 Employees of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will have a responsibility to contribute to quality assurance and improvement at HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA

  1. The meaning of quality assurance and improvement at HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA

4.1 Quality assurance means the processes by which HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA assures itself, and demonstrates to the wider customer audience, that it is achieving its purpose and goals and meeting the standards it sets for itself.

4.2 Quality improvement means the processes by which Human Resourcing Australia:

(a) identifies the areas and ways in which it is not fully achieving its purpose and goals or meeting its own standards as well as it could, and, in consequence

(b) plans and acts for the betterment of the business for both its customers and staff.

  1. Quality system

5.1 HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will adopt a systematic approach to quality assurance and improvement (quality system) in order to enable the company to:

(a) fulfil its functions and operational procedures

(b) meet its other legal and mandatory obligations

(c) realise its Mission, Values & Behaviours, Strategic Plan and subsidiary plans

(d) give effect to its policies, and

(e) continually assess, assure and improve the quality of its performance and attainments

  1. Quality culture

6.1 Because the creation and maintenance of a culture of quality is fundamental to the effectiveness of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA quality system, there will be on-going whole of organisation education about quality assurance and improvement and the quality system, with attention being given to new employees.

6.2 Because all members of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA have a stake and role in quality assurance and improvement, there will be consultative and other processes that facilitate contribution to HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA developments, including the development of policy and plans.

  1. Governance, management and decision-making

7.1 Robust and accountable organisational governance, management and decision-making (including the clear identification of accountabilities and responsibilities) will form the foundation of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA quality system.

7.2 Underlying the effectiveness of the quality system is the need for HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA management to ensure all members are part of the quality culture and are made aware of:

(a) all elements of the quality system

(b) those aspects of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA operations including structures, policies, procedures, plans and practices that affect, guide or direct their activity as part of the quality culture, and

(c) where the related accountabilities and responsibilities lie

  1. Use of feedback

8.1 As part of the means for judging or assessing the quality of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA services, products or performance and for identifying needed improvements, regular and frequent feedback on HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA services and activities will be systematically sought and obtained from all stakeholder groups, including but not restricted to:

  • Employees
  • Clients
  • Contractors
  • Regulators
  • Networks
  • Reference groups
  • Other external parties

8.2 Feedback will be subject to systematic analysis not only to assist in evaluating the quality of, and satisfaction with, HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA services but in order to identify and implement improvements and, potentially, contribute to a reduction in levels of dissatisfaction, complaint or grievance.

  1. Policies; quality assurance and improvement

9.1 Operational procedures enunciate the purpose and principles that guide and shape activity by or within HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA therefore, the consistent and comprehensive development, implementation, monitoring and reporting on implementation and review of policy and associated procedures will be fundamental to quality assurance and improvement.

  1. Standards, benchmarks, performance targets and performance indicators

10.1 HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will not only need to be capable of assessing whether and how well it is realising its own purpose and goals, but it will be incumbent on it to demonstrate and evidence the quality of its activities and outcomes relative to the broader national environment within which it operates and competes. For these reasons HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will develop and specify standards, benchmarks, performance targets, performance indicators and baseline data that it will use to identify and describe its level of performance in all main areas of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA activity.

  1. For the purposes of this policy

(a) standards will be graduated or fixed sets of requirements or criteria that need to be met, or features or attributes that need to be demonstrated, for the purpose of indicating a level of achievement or attainment or performance. These may be internally devised or internally mandated or externally devised or externally mandated for specific activities or spheres of operation.

(b) benchmarks will be standards or other reference points that can be used for comparing and assessing relative performance and achievement over time. The benchmarks may be expressed quantitatively or qualitatively. Benchmarks will usually be identified as, or part of, a metric.  Benchmarking will be the process of comparing and assessing relative performance through use of benchmarks.

(c) performance indicators will be metrics, outcomes, measures or devices to be used for demonstrating the degree or extent of success in achievement of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA purpose or meeting a goal or objective or in implementing an action or strategy to achieve HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA goal or objective. For quality assurance and improvement purposes, preference will be given to the selection and use of performance indicators that facilitate benchmarking.

(d) performance targets will be associated with performance indicators and identify specific outcomes or levels of performance that are expected or sought within timeframes in order to assure or improve HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA performance.

(e) baseline data will be specifications of outcomes or achievements in a given period (i.e. year, activity, program implementation) with which future outcomes or achievements will be compared in order to identify rates or patterns of improvement or decline over subsequent periods.

11.1 Performance indicators, performance targets, benchmarks and baseline datasets will be identified and incorporated within HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA Strategic Plan.

11.2 Performance indicators and performance targets will be identified and incorporated where appropriate, associated benchmarks and baseline datasets will also be identified and incorporated.

11.3 As far as is feasible and practicable, benchmarking will involve external reference points, include national benchmarks, and identify both national organisations and datasets with which the benchmarking will occur.

  1. HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA planning and quality assurance and improvement

12.1 Pursuit of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA Mission and complete and consistent implementation of policy will rely on comprehensive and integrated planning to achieve the desired ends and, for that reason, planning will be essential to HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA quality system.

12.2 HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA planning will be designed to ensure HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA activities are fit for their purpose, inform or are informed by the HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA budget framework and that planned goals and activities are shaped by, and consistent with, policy.

  1. Monitoring and reporting on the implementation of policy, procedure and plans

13.1 Systematic monitoring and reporting on the implementation of policy, associated procedures and plans will be a major means by which HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will assure its own purpose and internal standards are being met and there is equitable and consistent application of operational procedures across all areas of

HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA activity; for that reason, monitoring and reporting will be essential to HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA quality system.

13.2 Monitoring of implementation may lead to revision, amendment or adjustment of a policy, procedure or a plan from time to time and such action will complement major evaluative reviews within the quality system.

  1. Reviews

14.1 Internal reviews will be essential components of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA quality system. Usually, these will be systematised and evidence-based formal reviews of the quality, standards and effectiveness of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA performance in a specified area or range of areas, initiated from within HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA  They will be a major means by which HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will assess its own performance, demonstrate accountability, and identify needed or desirable improvements.

The purpose of reviews may include:

(a) critical evaluation of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA performance and attainments;
(b) identification of strengths and weaknesses in performance and attainment; and
(c) identification of areas where improvements or changes are needed or desirable.

14.2 The scope and nature of a review will be largely determined by the subject of the review; and, for that reason, some reviews may be readily organised and undertaken while others may be complex and, therefore, more time-consuming.

14.3 The nature, purpose and requirements for reviews of operational procedures will be described in HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA corporate and governing policies.

14.4 Formal evaluative reviews at HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA will:

(a) be requirements specified within a policy or associated procedure or a plan or required by decision of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA senior management, or required by an external body;

(b) be systematically planned for and, usually, scheduled in advance;

(c) have a written brief or set of terms of reference, approved by the CEO that must:

  • identify the purpose and scope of the review
  • identify the person/s who, or composition of the body that, will conduct the review (this should usually comprise more than one individual and, depending on the type of review, include persons, or at least one person, external to HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA
  • identify to whom the reviewer/s will report
  • include a requirement for a written review report to be produced, including recommendations where appropriate
  • include a timeline for conduct of the review and presentation of the review report.

(d) within the constraints of the review brief, enable the reviewer/s to receive, or be able to access, all HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA records and data relevant to the review, including records of performance against policy, procedure and plans (including, for example, against performance indicators, targets, benchmarks, timelines);

(e) within the constraints of the review brief, enable the reviewers to consult with/interview, or call for submissions from, any staff member of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA or any external stakeholder or other interested party;

(f) result in a written review report, or a summary of the review’s findings and recommendations, that, usually, will be made available to HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA and or other interested stakeholders; and

(g) involve follow-up action to ensure the review findings are used in planning for any needed or desirable improvements as part of the current or the next planning cycle.

14.5 Formal evaluative reviews conducted will be different in purpose and scope from other forms and types of activity which also have review elements, including:

  • individual staff members’ performance management (job crafting) meetings
  • self-review processes
  • monitoring the implementation of policy, procedures and plans
  • revisions or amendments to policy, procedures and plans
  • compliance or other audits initiated by external authorities

14.6 As far as is practicable, evaluative reviews will not be so narrowly focused as to concentrate on one aspect or element of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA in isolation but will be designed and scheduled to facilitate review of closely interrelated or interdependent elements.

14.7 Evaluative reviews will be required for each of the following, and, usually, will be conducted within the timeframe specified:

– organisational performance over time in relation to relevant operational plans or relevant goals within such plans – at least every five years;

– policies and, where appropriate, any related procedures – at least annually;

14.8 Particular types of reviews may be mandated within specific policies which may also include any requirements for those reviews.

14.9 Prior to conclusion of the lifespan of the Strategic Plan, the plan will be subject to review for the purposes of evaluating performance against the plan and informing development of the next iteration of the plan.

14.10 For quality assurance and improvement purposes, while reviews of specified areas of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA activity are or may be mandated, all aspects of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA activities should be subject to formal review at least once every 5 years.

14.11 Expenses associated with internal and or external reviews/audits will be considered in framing HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA budgets.

  1. Continuous planning and implementation of improvements

15.1 The quality system will encompass the need for regular and frequent discussion and analysis of findings from feedback, monitoring reports, ongoing review, any minor reviews or self-reviews and formal evaluative reviews in order to identify any desirable or necessary improvements in HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA operations or performance.

15.2 Depending on the scope of their implications and ramifications, proposed improvements should be formally documented and included within current plans, subject to any required approval processes, or be scheduled for consideration within the next planning cycle.

15.3 Following the approval and encapsulation of improvements within plans, their implementation will be subject to monitoring in order to gauge whether the improvements are having the intended effect.

  1. Record-keeping and management

16.1 Implementation and effectiveness of the quality system will rely on evidence of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA performance against its policies, standards, goals, plans, targets and similar; and, for that reason, thorough documentation, record-keeping and records management will be critical to the quality system.

16.2 Effective systems will be in place for the making, keeping and management of records on all aspects of HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA activity, including the creation and maintenance of quality-specific databases for recording HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA performance against plans that have HUMAN RESOURCING AUSTRALIA wide applicability, the related performance indicators, benchmarks, targets and timelines, as well as summary details of all major evaluative reviews and quality-related audits.

16.3 Policies, procedures and plans should identify any associated record-keeping requirements in order to ensure the effectiveness of the quality system.